Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Fear and Love

are strong motivators. Fear takes us to work on time, makes us complete tasks, ensures that we are well prepared, sends us to the gym and gets us up on Monday morning. Love could do the same too.

We can live our life in fear and every action of ours is a result of apprehension of failure or rebuke. Then life is a stern headmaster with a harsh cane. We think … ‘If I don’t do it, he will skin me’ … and we do the needful. Such life is burdensome and tiring. It is immensely stressful to live life as a victim. Fear is a deterrent. It stops you from doing what you want to do.

We can live a life of intension. We wake up in the morning with a smile and prayer and a spring in our step, our day is made. When we appreciate the task on hand, respect the people around us and enjoy the food we eat, life is wonderful. Love is a stimulus. It pushes you towards what you want to do.

The choice is ours. The room needs to be swept, the mail’s got to be sent or the agenda has to be sorted out. Task on hand needs be done. What attitude you bring to the task, depends on how you view yourself and life. Have a liberating experience.

Are there circumstances you do not like? You think you deserve better? Surprise yourself. Write down on a note paper exactly what you want. Shed your perception of yourself as a victim. Think of the life you like to lead. Think of things that will make you happy. And there! That life just happens. Those things arrive!

Believe me I have tried it and it works. Love is a better motivator. It makes things happen.

This one is about emotion and our control over emotion.

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